Our Staff

Douglas Berry

Vice President, Economic Development
Cell: 423-584-5005
Direct: 423-728-0804
Email Address: dberry@clevelandchamber.com

Primary Responsibilities at the Chamber:

Develops, implements and evaluates the overall economic development efforts of the Chamber of Commerce by coordinating existing industry programs, workforce development programs and industrial recruitment efforts; formulates economic development marketing efforts; carries out all industrial recruitment efforts, including prospecting, recruitment and marketing; coordinates efforts among city and county and Chamber officials on matters of economic development; draws on such resources as needed by community agencies to successfully provide economic development services; works to develop a positive public image of the Chamber’s economic development activities to the community.

Other Professional/Community Affiliations:

Tennessee Economic Partnership, Tennessee Economic Development Council, German American Chamber of Commerce, Cleveland/Bradley Economic Development Council, Bradley/Cleveland Industrial Development Board, MainStreet Cleveland Board

Sunrise Rotary Club

Professional Recognitions:

Tennessee Economic Development Council 2011 Fred Harris Professional of the Year


BA degree in business administration, Maryville College, Maryville, TN

Studied economic development planning at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN